FAQ ÖNB Digital

How can I use digital copies of ÖNB Digital?

Information on the re-use of digitized material made available on the website of the Austrian National Library can be found here:

Which digital holdings can be found on ÖNB Digital?

The ÖNB Digital portal currently contains a large number of digital objects, including digitized books, photographs, graphics, etc. The collection is constantly growing, on the one hand through the continuous digitization of holdings and the acquisition of born-digital objects, and on the other hand through the migration of large holdings such as the newspaper holdings of ANNO.

What is the difference between "discover" and "search"?

In the "Discover" section, we present selected objects that are regularly exchanged and invite you to browse through the diverse inventory groups. Under "Search" you can submit specific search queries.

What is the search on ÖNB Digital based on?

During the search, the so-called metadata of the objects are searched, e.g. fields such as title, author, year of publication etc.

Why do I get a hit list without a search term?

Without entering a search term, the current total stock is always displayed. This can be searched using search terms or refined using the filter function.

What should I bear in mind when searching?

When searching for a single word, a wildcard search is automatically performed, so the search for MOND also finds moon lake, moon rock, etc. To search for the exact word MOND, put the search term in inverted commas, in this case "moon".

How can I find the latest digital copies?

The "Newly added" sorting shows you the items that were most recently added to the portal's inventory first.

How can I set/unset filter criteria?

The filter criteria can be selected and deactivated via the "Filter" slide at the bottom of the screen. Set filter criteria are reset when a new search is performed.

Can search queries and result sets be saved?

Search queries can be copied with to the clipboard and pasted from there into emails, browser lines, social media, etc.

Is it possible to cite directly from ÖNB Digital? Are there citation links?

Own citation links are not provided in the ÖNB Digital portal, but can be found in most cases in the linked catalogue entry or, in the case of postcards, after opening the digital copy. However, the link to the detailed view of an object is persistent, e.g. https://onb.digital/result/10813737 opens the same object now and in the future.

Can the digital copies be downloaded directly from ÖNB Digital?

Yes, free of charge in the resolution offered on ÖNB Digital. For high-resolution scans or reproductions, please contact information[at]onb.ac.at

An wen kann ich mich mit Fragen wenden?

Wir beraten Sie gerne! Bitte adressieren Sie Ihre Frage an information[at]onb.ac.at

We also offer the following information on using ÖNB Digital and catalogues and databases Workshops and seminars to improve your research results


On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, there will be downtimes in the Quick Search catalogue between 8 pm and midnight due to maintenance work. Thank you for your understanding.