
During the last three years over 500.000 sound recordings and audio related objects were made available through the online collection Europeana. The…

Im Rahmen des FWF-Projekts zu Ludwig Tiecks Bibliothek wird an der Universität Wien in Kooperation mit der ÖNB nach Erwerbungen aus der Auktion von…

Within the EU-project Europeana Sounds the Austrian National Library is providing access to music autographs by composers from the 17th to the 19th…

Vienna Genesis (Cod. Theol. gr. 31): is famous for its illuminations, the richest preserved biblical cycle from the 6th century A.C. Corrosion of the…

Palimpseste sind mehrfach beschriebene Schriftdokumente, die in ihren darunterliegenden, zunächst verborgenen Texten oft hochinteressante Quellen…